
Black Grape

Drink Well – Live Long

BlackGrape is a Powerful combination of Natural
Ingredients that promote Total Body Wellness, Increased Metabolism and Natural Energy.

Metabolism... Like an Extra 20 Minutes on the

Black Grape's Proprietary blend of L-Leucine,
Tea Extract, Resveratrol and Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) are naturally occurring nutrients that when combined together help promote increased metabolism and health. Now you can Burn up to 200 calories a day more by just drinking the combination of the right nutrients found in Black Grape.

Natural Energy

Black Grape will give you that extra boost when
you need it. A blend of B Vitamins, Taurine, Green Tea Extract, Guarana Seed Extract and Natural Caffeine gives you that pick me up when you need it -- without the crash. Black Grape has as much natural caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee.

Power of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant produced
by plants to attack pathogens, foreign bacteria and environmental stresses. Some of the richest sources of Resveratrol are the skins of red or dark grapes and Japanese Knotweed. Independent researchers have found that Resveratrol protects cells from free radicals and acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagen. Recent studies suggest Resveratrol improves performance of the brain and heart, and promotes cellular longevity. Many nutritionists and health professionals encourage those with poor immune systems or those recovering from illness to consume foods with Resveratrol. As an entirely natural plant compound, it is a perfectly safe addition to any healthy diet.

Turn on your Body... Turn off your Tongue

Your tongue is probably your biggest enemy when trying to stick to any diet. The fact is your tongue is a pleasure center that stimulates the brain while you are eating. How often have you felt full, but your mouth still craves food? The Resveratrol and Green Tea Extract in Black Grape work together to Turn Off Your Tongue. Did you ever notice that when you drink a glass of red wine with dinner you tend to eat less and have a dry feeling on your tongue? The same thing happens when you have a cup of Green Tea.

Drinking 1/2 a can of Black Grape 10 minutes before your meal can help you eat less and stick to your diet by helping turn off your tongue.

Try this.....


Try This



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